Thursday, July 25, 2013

A day in the life.....

This is my first post and to be honest I'm not quite sure what to write.  I created this blog to have a place to post things about my life in hopes of inspiring others or just letting people know that they aren't alone and to not be ashamed of who they are.

I struggle with many things; being over-weight, anxiety, depression and the newest discovery, breast cancer.

It will be a week tomorrow that I received the call from my doctor.  I was in shock.  I don't think my heart-rate returned to normal until later on that afternoon.  Work was a blur, I mean who really can work after receiving news like that.  I needed support and fast.  Thankfully I work with some wonderful ladies and one in particular was there when I received the call and continued to support me through the remainder of the day.  She was truly an angel.

Lots of things go through your mind, especially the word 'cancer' over and over and over again.  It really is difficult to absorb.  By the time I got home I was numb.  I called my family and had to decide how we were going to tell our children.  At first we decided to just wait until we went to the oncologist and heard what the plan of attack was going to be.  That didn't happen.  I ended up telling my boys yesterday.  2 out of the 3 took it pretty well.  My oldest did not.  He is truly 13 going on 30.  He and I have been through a lot together over the years and he struggles with his own issues, ADHD.

So what is the next step?  I'm not sure.  We meet with the oncologist next week at Roswell and I'm sure all of our questions will be answered.  Do I think the worst?  I try not to.  I stay focused on the battle ahead and I know I have all the love and support any person could possibly ask for.  I have 3 amazing boys and one fabulous husband that need me, a lot!  That is what keeps me positive.

I plan on writing daily, giving all that read this a little more insight to me and my life.  In the mean time, feel free to comment.

When life hands you lemons they say you are supposed to make lemon-ade.  This is my version, helping others with their lemons is my way of making 'lemon-aid'.  Take care until next time.


  1. Great first blog post!....And your layout looks fabulous too. :)

  2. Good job jess. I'm here and 100% supporting u through this journey. I love u so much.

  3. I LOVE this...and the spin on Lemon AID is brilliant :) I can't WAIT to read more!! I am here EVERY step of the way...the best part about you is that when I think I'm being a friend to you in YOUR time of need, you always turn around and repay ten fold to me when I didn't even know I needed's my turn to repay the favor :) I love you!! Let's kick some cancer butt!!
